Man, the past few weeks have been so full and gone by so fast. I usually look forward to and count down Thanksgiving for it's all of a sudden next week! I did get our Thanksgiving tradition made so it would be available for the month. If you've ever been to my house in November, you've met our annual Thanksgiving Turkey!
He gets reborn every year, and sad to say, this is not his best looking year. :)
Here's what we do:
All month we write on the paper scraps things we are thankful for and stick them in the turkey. Then on Thanksgiving, after the meal, we 'cut open the turkey' and take turns pulling out one piece of paper and reading it. It might be your own or someone else's. I love when our friends and family visit and leave a note in the turkey and then we get to read it on Thanksgiving.
Last year Ry couldn't write so she scribbled what she was thankful for on the paper and then when we read them, so would translate for us. It was so sweet! Here's a video from last year:
I've been working on transferring all our videos online. We are clearing out all our personal stuff out of our desktop computer so we can sell it. We actually have 5 computers in our house...geez. 3 we use regularly. 1 hasn't been turned on in years and 1 we don't use due to all the other computers available. So hit me up if you need a desktop computer. Or a really old has a floppy disk drive. :)